Comfort & End-of-Life-Care

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Comfort & End-of-Life-Care

Ease your stress with end of life care

When it’s determined that your cancer can no longer be treated, your quality of life should never go downhill. In fact, services are available to help you through this trying time. You may find that hospice care helps you to feel stress-free and emotionally comforted, with limited physical pain.

Your situation is unique. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another will, and we will work with you to determine what course of action to take when this time comes

Having your best interest in mind

The feelings you experience when you’re first diagnosed will most likely be very different towards the end of your illness. If your treatments proved to be ineffective, you may feel defeated and unsure of why you didn’t have success. Our medical team is always available to answer your questions and concerns.


Contact us today to see how Dr. Hendrixson and his professional staff can provide comfort and compassion as you reach the end of your journey.